Lyn Bruno
Lyn Bruno turns to LCCC to change her life after pandemic layoff
Lyn Bruno took her first classes at Lorain County Community College through the College Credit Plus program as a senior at Westlake High School. Now, the Avon resident has earned her addiction and recovery counseling certification with plans to earn a master’s in social work with a focus on mental health in adults through LCCC’s University Partnership program with Youngstown State University.
When COVID-19 struck, she was laid off from her role as a project coordinator for Trimark USA and knew she wanted to make a change.
Bruno spent majority of her childhood in the Philippines and later moved to the United States for better opportunities and education, she says. Already equipped with an unrelated bachelor’s degree, Bruno decided to attend LCCC largely due to Thomas Stubler, a leader in addiction and recovery, she says.
“I’ve taken (unrelated) courses at LCCC in the past and have always had high respect for their staff and faculty. Professor Tom has been one of the best professors I've had,” Bruno says. “He is intelligent and encourages his students to take initiative and learn to work more independently.”
“I chose to do the program because of its relationship with The LCADA (Lorain County Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services) Way,” Bruno says.
She’s currently completing an internship in addiction services with the organization. A student, intern, wife and mother, Bruno says she was surprised by her ability to multitask.
“Time management and prioritizing schoolwork are huge factors that have led to my near completion of my degree,” she says.
After graduation, Bruno hopes to work for LCADA or as a clinician in the addiction and recovery field. She says while the program has been challenging, it has equipped her for a successful career in the future.
“I’ve always had a great sense of empathy and compassion,” Bruno says. “I’ve met people from all walks of life, as well as family and friends who were directly affected by addiction. I want to be a part of the mental health and addiction services community because I think that there is still such a huge stigma surrounding mental health and addiction.”
“I’ve taken (unrelated) courses at LCCC in the past and have always had high respect for their staff and faculty.”
Lyn Bruno - LCCC University Partnership student